How the World Goes Digital
July 17, 2024

In a panel discussion titled “How the World Goes Digital,” led by Karen Webster, a renowned expert in payments and CEO of Pymnts, a team of global experts analyzed the findings of a groundbreaking study. Based on research conducted with 67,000 consumers across 11 countries, this study delved into how people engage with digital activities that shape their daily lives.

Odilon Almeida, AJ Holdings, joined an esteemed panel that included Ruben Salazar Genovez from TerraPay, Cyril Chiche from Lydia, and economist David Evans. Together, they explored how consumers interact with 40 different digital activities and discussed the implications of these findings.

Besides the country-specific rankings, one significant discovery was that the infrastructure for increased online engagement exists across nations. Beyond the personal use of digital media, games, and social interactions, individuals can now run their businesses with just a handheld device.

The panel discussed the importance of all generations embracing digital possibilities and recognizing the benefits of moving processes online. The conclusion is that consumers of all ages can participate in digital transformation with the proper digital infrastructure, mobile apps, and a top-down approach to digital engagement.

Brazil played a prominent role in this dynamic; among the 11 countries surveyed, Brazil emerged as a leader in digital engagement.

“The Central Bank of Brasil has played an instrumental role in Brasil’s leadership by introducing PIX, Brasil’s instant payment system. “Overall, the Central Bank of Brasil has played a crucial role in the success of PIX by providing the necessary leadership, regulation, and support to create a modern and efficient payment system that has transformed the way Brazilians make digital transactions”, said Odilon AJ, Managing Principal of AJ Holdings.

The data revealed that Brazilians had the highest number of digital activity days, totalling 361. Even within specific age groups, such as Gen Z (with an average of 411 days), Gen X (with an average of 335 days), and boomers (with an average of 272 days), the engagement surpassed the respective global averages of 257 and 161 days.